2012 – present, @squirrelcensus
The Squirrel Census is a multimedia science, design, and storytelling project that calls attention to the often-overlooked Eastern gray squirrel.
Our content includes:
the first and only census data gathered on Eastern gray squirrels in Atlanta’s Inman Park, New York’s Central Park, and 24 other NYC parks.
the most comprehensive map of Central Park created in over 70 years.
a Squirrel Sighter app for iPhone, with over one million squirrel-related data points gathered from around the world.
a 45-RPM record of squirrel data, original songs, and “accidental poems” provided by Central Park Squirrel Sighters.
a 1-800 number featuring information on squirrels at NYC parks, plus music, original stories, jokes, fortunes, and other fun.
Featured in The New York Times, New York Magazine, 99% Invisible, The Times Of London, NatGeo, The Washington Post, BBC, Smithsonian, Atlas Obscura, Now This!, and more
January 2002 to Present
Help corporate clients, organizations, and individuals identify their best stories, mission, and “why,” and communicate that in 360 campaigns through website content, ad copy, data visualization, videos, audio, events, social media, and more. Clients include Coca-Cola, Stuckey’s, College Board, Gene Kansas, Son & Sons, Office of Brothers, LMNL.
Published nonfiction, humor, and fiction in outlets including The Oxford American, New York Magazine, The Paris Review's “The Daily,” McSweeney’s, Garden & Gun, Atlanta Magazine, The Missouri Review, Eyeshot, Salon, Slate, New South, Grantland, Paste, and others.
Edited and content-managed of Hundreds of Heads Books from 2002 to 2010, helping to publish over 20 titles including the best-selling guide How to Survive Your Freshman Year.
May 2023 – Present | Los Angeles, California
Novel titled The Dashing Diner, a mystery-foodie-romance set in Atlanta, is out now.
Semifinalist in 2024 Austin Film Festival screenwriting contest for comedy feature; the script, Double D, follows the escapades of butt-hurt, low-EQ divorced dads who feel entitled to take back their rightful place as community leaders.
Senior Writer & Show Supervisor
January 2024 – November 2024 | Los Angeles, California
Wrote and outlined scripted audio show Norse Code, a 500-episode fantasy-adventure-dramedy set in the world of Norse mythology. It follows the rise of the Valkyrie warrior Astrid – an illegitimate Odinsdottir – and her team of Valkyries as they attempt to save the Nine Realms from total destruction. Norse Code is one of the top-performing original new shows on Pocket FM.
Supervised a team of two to three junior writers, breaking story with them in weekly sessions.
Edited 20 junior-writer scripts every week, with an eye toward maintaining story arcs, character voice, and narrative flow while also meeting production specifications and aggressive deadlines.
Worked with Pod Leads to advocate for junior writers and story, and to meet company expectations.
Senior Writer
September 1996 – December 2001 | Atlanta, Georgia
Served as senior writer for’s features unit, helping the team lay the foundation for long-form journalism on the web.
Wrote and produced all-original interactive features for the homepage – the leading digital news site at the time.
Interviewed and wrote about movie, television, music, and publishing personalities.
Penned daily news for the Entertainment and Books sections.
Represented at film festivals and conferences like Sundance, SXSW, Toronto Film Festival, New York Film Festival, and the National Book Awards.
Also served as a writer/editor for the QuickNews section, which provided an hourly update of news summaries to millions of readers.
Freelanced as a writer for the U.S. and World News sections of the site, as well as CNN International and Headline News.
News Producer
June 1994 – August 1996 | Tampa, FL
Produced and wrote newscasts for weekend and weekday mornings, leading a team that included an associate producer, editor, and anchor.
Wrote news stories and feature packages for all newscasts, from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Managed station assignment desk on overnight shifts; wrote and produced Crime Stoppers reenactment videos.
Created and edited the “Simpson Synopsis” segment, which became the station’s nightly update of the Trial of the Century.